Using an Account Aggregation Partner outside of Synapse

If you prefer to use an account aggregator outside of Synapse, you can still pass us that data to us to skip micro-deposits.

Before beginning this process, please verify that bank logins are supported on your Spec Sheet.

Step 1: Verify account with an Account Aggregator

Use an account aggregator to connect to a user's bank account with their online banking credentials.

Step 2: Pull customer data from the account aggregator

This includes account owner, address and other account information.

Step 3: Pull Transaction Data from the account aggregator

Please note that 3 months minimum of transaction data (e.g. transactions of an end user's data) is required to link with a 3rd party account aggregator

Step 4: Format the data from the account aggregator (see attached example).

For reference, see 'Account Aggregator Example Format' attached below.

Date is in unix time. Designate negative values with "Debit" True or False (boolean).

Step 5: Send all data to us when you add the bank account with Account/Routing Numbers.

Add an ACH-US Node by linking via Account/Routing. Include the account aggregator's data within the payload. See attached payload as an example. Micro-deposits will not send if this data is supplied.


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