Step 1: Grab your Production Keys
You can find your Production Keys on your dashboard. Here's a guide to locate your keys.
Please keep these keys secure. If you need to send them via email to your development team, make sure it's encrypted (using a tool like Virtu).
Step 2: Prefund your Account
Please prefund your platform's DEPOSIT-US account if you plan to make payouts or debit transaction fees from your account.
Step 3: Subscribe to our status page
Receive alerts for maintenance & outages with our status page:
Step 4: Begin Testing
We encourage you to test for every scenario your users will experience. While testing, please keep an eye out for unverified users and canceled/returned transactions. If you need help troubleshooting, please reach out to our team via slack.
Please do not use fake data while testing. Only use real data (real names, bank accounts, etc) to avoid triggering flags on your account.
Step 5: Understand Billing
We will debit your account when you first execute your agreement + the 5th of every month following. Transaction fees will be taken as they occur.
We will also reconcile negative balances once a month. Please ensure webhooks are setup on your reserve account & fee nodes to monitor your balances.
Step 6: Know where to ask for help
Our team is best reached via slack or
Step 7: Make Security Updates
Our team will pen test your application for security vulnerabilities. We will send you a security report with updates to make to your application.
IMPORTANT: Please do not push changes to your Flow of Funds or CIP without Synapse approval.
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