Why Is This User Locked?



Why does this user have Locked permissions?


To determine why a user is locked, you can review the user's permission code.
  • Via the dashboard when viewing the user's account (See screenshot below)
  • Via API by using this endpoint




All potential permission_codes for locked accounts are listed below:

BLOCKED_INDUSTRY Credits are derived from a prohibited industry.
DOCS_NOT_PROVIDED Requested documents not provided within the allotted 14-day window.
DORMANT_ACCOUNT Dormant account status with balance. Manually reviewed by Compliance.
KYC_FRAUD|BLOCKED_LIST Documents used to create account are in Synapse's blocked list.
KYC_FRAUD|FRAUDULENT_DOCS Fraudulent documents used to create account.
HIGH_RETURNS Velocity of returns indicates fraud (automated lock).
NEGATIVE_BALANCE The account is overdrawn. Next steps to remedy a negative balance can be found here.
NOT_KNOWN May be due to a specific transaction return. Return codes that can lock users and/or nodes are indicated here.
UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY|COMPLIANCE_SUSPICIOUS Compliance Reasons -- Indications of unusual/suspicious activity found.
UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY|LEGAL_REQUEST Legal Request -- Synapse received legal notice to restrict account.
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